At CBA, we know that great leaders are the heart of your business’s success. This is precisely why we help you identify and hire candidates that successfully demonstrate these five (5) leadership traits and more. Here are 5 leadership traits that you should look for in new hires:

5 leadership traits that you should look for in new hires

Leadership is the heart of your organization. A good leader is committed to the pursuit of a clear and compelling vision. But a great leader builds enduring greatness through a blend of personal humility and professional will.

Industries and job requirements may greatly vary, but effective leadership traits are the anchor of any successful organization–no matter the industry. Whether you’re leading a committee, conducting a board meeting, teaching a class, or managing a team for a Fortune 500 company, leaders must make adjustments to navigate this new era. They must keep effective leadership traits at the forefront and hiring managers need to ensure their staff includes great leaders.

Here are 5 leadership traits that you should look for in new hires:

  • Candor

The definition of candor is frankness, openness, and sincerity in speech or expression. Honest feedback improves employee engagement and hiring managers must focus on hiring leaders that can practice candor to effectively lead their teams.

  • Consistency

A leader must be predictable and consistent to provide stability for their team and organization. Being a consistent leader is important because when your team members know what to expect, they know how they need to work and behave to reach a positive outcome.

  • Empathy

The ability of a leader to be empathetic and compassionate has the greatest impact on organizational profitability and productivity. Hiring managers that can identify empathetic leaders will ensure their organization is supported and their employees feel valued.

  • Flexibility

In this new era, employees are navigating a lot of changes, and leaders need to be flexible. Hiring managers need to focus on leaders that can help their teams adapt to changes as they come and pivot strategies for the best outcome.

  • Humility

Humble leaders use their skills and experiences to bring employees together. Hiring managers that focus on humility streamline processes and procedures that benefit the organization. This can result in increasing sales, improving production and quality, boost community engagement, and enhance brand awareness.

Hiring great leaders for your organization is important, but we get that it is difficult to identify candidates that successfully demonstrate the right leadership traits for your organization. You are not alone!

At CBA, we know that great leaders are the heart of your business’s success. This is precisely why we help you identify and hire candidates that successfully demonstrate these five (5) leadership traits and more. We are here to help you take the stress and hassle out of hiring decisions so you can focus on your core business.

Contact us today to save time and money on your next hiring decision!

(610) 862-4355

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